Saturday, December 21, 2019

Family Vs Authority In Antigone - 773 Words

Antigone Throughout life you always have your family to share the smiles, the tantrums, the unseen moments, and tears. As we make it through to adulthood, we all secure those special bonds that we have with our family, but obeying the law has been embedded into our minds since a young age so which is more important? The book, Antigone is a greek-mythology tragedy play written by Sophocles about a curse put onto a man named Oedipus where he is destined to kill his father, marry his mother, and bring unfortunates to his city. Antigone, the main character is the result of an incest marriage between Oedipus and his mother Jocasta, the play begins with Antigone attempting to convince her sister to bury her brother, Polyneices’ body, going†¦show more content†¦As the play transpires Ismene’s courage is revealed through her standing by Antigone’s side while she receives her punishment of execution. Although Ismene wasn’t opposed to honoring her brother she tried to convince Antigone not to go against the law â€Å"We are ruled by more powerful people and must obey them†¦ I yield to those who walk with authority.† (Page 15), this shows the people of Thebes fear to disobey the king. In the play Creon rejects the burial of Polyneices but still seems to value family heavily. When Creon speaks with Haemon he expresses that he should listen to his father’s choice over anything else â€Å"Stand by your father’s ideas in all things.† (Page 37), showing that Creon values family honor. Sophocles shows moments of family love throughout the play, Creon knows letting Antigone go after burying her brother is the right thing to do so he makes the decision to let her go free for the action she performed â€Å"I myself, since my judgement has turned and seen better ways, I bound her up and I will go and release her.† (Page 54), this shows that Creon truly loves Antigone and chose family over authority by freeing her. As Haemon finds out Antigone has hanged herself, inShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Of Cultural And Contextual Consideration Of Antigone By Sophocles968 Words   |  4 Pagesorals, my understanding of cultural and contextual consideration of Antigone by Sophocles has developed. You must receive further information about the playwright, the role of women, and the symbols used in Antigone to have a full understanding of the play. Without the knowledge provided from the interactive orals, the play would not have been understood as well as it is now. 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